- Edgewood Apartments
Phone: 606-726-0296
Location: 280 Grindstone Rd., Irvine
Hours: Wednesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Irvine School Apartments
Phone: 606-723-0288
Contact: Wanda Macy (Cell 606-401-5889)
Location: 229 Broadway, Irvine
Hours: Monday-Wednesday 9:00 am -1:00 pm
- Irvine West Apartments
Phone: 606-723-2514
Contact: Donna Witt
Location: 126 Ridge Road Box 25, Irvine
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 am - Noon
- Northwood Apartments
Phone: 606-723-2087
Location: 1100 Winchester Road, Irvine
- Renaissance Apartments
Phone: 606-723-7746
Location: 114 Collins Street, Irvine
- Stacy Lane Apartments
Phone: 606-723-7621
Contact: Mona Henry
Location: 2600 Stacy Lane, Irvine
Hours: Monday-/Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Services: These apartment complexes are considered to be Section 8 housing and accept housing assistance.